It was exactly fifty years since This American Legislation on the World of Sports and Women was passed on Thursday, June 33, which had a broader impact globally. This milestone law on women athletes is called 'Title Nine Law.

According to many Olympian athletes and many historians in the sports world, this historic law called Title IX Law was passed in the United States on June 23, 1972, and then a trend began that the global scenario of participation of women and girls in sports events around the world changed completely.
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Exactly half a century ago, the legislation in the United States stipulated that all educational projects for which the federal government provides financial resources in Washington must give women equal rights to participate. These academic fields included all kinds of sports.

Revolution regarding participation of women in sports competitions

According to the National Center for Statistics on Education in the United States, this legislation was such a milestone at the national level and its indirect impact in many societies globally was so comprehensive that since June 23, 1972, a revolution has taken place for half of the world's population to participate in sports programs and competitions.

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One example of this revolutionary process is that since the law, passed exactly five decades ago, girls' participation in sports at the high school level has increased to more than 1,000 percent. According to the Women's Sports Foundation, the participation of girls and women in college and university level sports programs has also increased by more than 500% over the past half century.

Far-reaching results for sports

The same historic legislation also resulted in a sharp increase in the proportion of women participating in the Olympic events of the Games. "The passage of this law fifty years ago had a very far-reaching impact on national teams of different sports in the United States," says Sarah Hersland, chief executive of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee. ‘‘

Since the 'Title Nine' law, women's participation in teams for the U.S. Summer Olympics has increased by 310% and participation in winter Olympics by 300%.

It was also the result of the same law that in 1972 if the number of women's competitions in summer games was 43, then by 1992 it had increased to 86. Similarly, the number of women events in winter games was only 12 in 1972, which almost doubled to 23 in the next twenty years.

Women's Marathon struggles to join Olympics

Catherine Sweitzer is one of the first female athletes to participate in the Women's Marathon in the United States. Until 1967, women's participation as registered athletes was banned in Boston Marathon. Sweitzer challenged the ban in court and she also won the case. She thus became the first American female athlete to participate in the Boston Marathon in the United States.

Later, she also fought long for the inclusion of Marathon of women athletes in olympic competitions and in 1984 for the first time it happened that the marathon of women athletes was also included in the Olympic competitions.
Impact of 'Title Nine' globally

In the United States, as well as in the state and national events of sports, when the path of women's participation in world events like the Olympics was open on an equal basis, it also affected other countries, and there women began to have equal opportunities to participate in sports events as men.

The fact that the current statistics are very satisfactory and pleasing globally proves that the proportion of female athletes in all the athletes participating in the Rio de Janeiro Summer Games was 45%.  After that, the participation of girls and women in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics had further increased to 48.7%.

 That is why the Women's Sports Foundation now hopes that for the first time in the next Summer Olympics in 2024, it is possible that women will make up 50% of the total number of athletes participating.